Source code for funcgen.main

'''This module implements the API'''

from inspect import Signature, Parameter, _ParameterKind
from itertools import chain, product
from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Type

ParamTuple = Tuple[Sequence[str], Sequence[Any], Sequence[Type]]
VarParamTuple = Tuple[Sequence[str], Sequence[Type]]
ParamCombo = List[Parameter]

[docs]def valid_parameters(param_kind: _ParameterKind, params: Sequence[ParamTuple]) -> Generator[ParamCombo, None, None]: '''Takes in parameter names, defaults, and annotations and generates every sequence of parameters possible from every combination of those attributes. A ``ParamTuple`` is a tuple of three sequences: names, default values, and annotations, respectively. ``params`` is a sequence of ``ParamTuples`` such that the cross product of ``params[i]`` represents the range of desired values for the *ith* parameter. Given every subset ``params[:i]`` for ``i`` in ``range(len(params))``, this function will yield items from the cross product of the desired values for those parameters in the subset as a list of ``Parameters``. If ``param_kind`` is ``Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD`` or ``Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY``, then those lists where some parameter has a default value and previous parameter does not are not yielded because they would be invalid. Use ``Parameter.empty`` to specify the abscence of type annotation or default value. .. testsetup:: from funcgen import valid_parameters from inspect import Parameter, Signature >>> [str(x) for x in valid_parameters(Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, ... [(['arg1'], ... [42, Parameter.empty], ... [int, Parameter.empty])])] ['[]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int=42">]', '[<Parameter "arg1=42">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int">]', '[<Parameter "arg1">]'] >>> [str(x) for x in valid_parameters(Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, ... [(['arg1'], [42, Parameter.empty], [int]), ... (['arg2'], [107.7, Parameter.empty], [float])])] ['[]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int=42">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int=42">, <Parameter "arg2:float=107.7">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int">, <Parameter "arg2:float=107.7">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int">, <Parameter "arg2:float">]'] >>> [str(x) for x in valid_parameters(Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, ... [(['arg1'], [42, Parameter.empty], [int]), ... (['arg2'], [107.7, Parameter.empty], [float])])] ['[]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int=42">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int=42">, <Parameter "arg2:float=107.7">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int">, <Parameter "arg2:float=107.7">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int=42">, <Parameter "arg2:float">]', '[<Parameter "arg1:int">, <Parameter "arg2:float">]'] :param param_kind: must be ``Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY``, ``Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY``, or ``Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD``. :param Sequence[ParamTuple] params: ''' if param_kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD): return _valid_positional_param_combinations(param_kind, params) if param_kind == Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY: return _valid_keyword_param_combinations(param_kind, params) raise ValueError('Cannot make combinations of parameter kind ({param_kind}')
def _valid_positional_param_combinations(param_kind: _ParameterKind, params: Sequence[ParamTuple]) \ -> Generator[ParamCombo, None, None]: old_combos: List[ParamCombo] = [[]] yield old_combos[0] for param_names, param_defaults, param_annotations in params: new_combos = [] param_combos = product(param_names, param_defaults, param_annotations) for (param_name, param_default, param_annotation), old_combo in product(param_combos, old_combos): prev_default = old_combo[-1].default if old_combo else Parameter.empty if prev_default != Parameter.empty and param_default == Parameter.empty: continue param = Parameter(param_name, param_kind, default=param_default, annotation=param_annotation) new_combos.append(old_combo + [param]) yield new_combos[-1] old_combos = new_combos def _valid_keyword_param_combinations(param_kind: _ParameterKind, params: Sequence[ParamTuple]) \ -> Generator[ParamCombo, None, None]: old_combos: List[ParamCombo] = [[]] yield old_combos[0] for param_names, param_defaults, param_annotations in params: new_combos = [] param_combos = product(param_names, param_defaults, param_annotations) for (param_name, param_default, param_annotation), old_combo in product(param_combos, old_combos): param = Parameter(param_name, param_kind, default=param_default, annotation=param_annotation) new_combos.append(old_combo + [param]) yield new_combos[-1] old_combos = new_combos
[docs]def valid_signatures(args: Sequence[ParamTuple] = [], kwargs: Sequence[ParamTuple] = [], # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value var_args: VarParamTuple = ([], []), var_kwargs: VarParamTuple = ([], []), return_annotations: Sequence[object] = [Signature.empty]) \ -> Generator[Signature, None, None]: '''This will generate every combination of the parameters and parameter attributes passed to it, if that combination results in a valid Python function signature. A ``VarParamTuple`` describes the range of attributes to give a variadic parameter. It is a tuple of two sequences: names and type annotations, respectively. The cross product of that tuple represents the range of attributes to give that parameter in the results. Use ``Parameter.empty`` to specify a missing type annotation or default value, and ``Signature.empty`` to specify a missing return type annotation. .. testsetup:: from funcgen import valid_signatures from inspect import Parameter, Signature >>> args = [(['arg1'], [Parameter.empty, 42], [int])] >>> kwargs = [] >>> var_args = (['args'], [float]) >>> var_kwargs = ([], []) >>> return_annotations = [Signature.empty, int] >>> [str(s) for s in valid_signatures(args, kwargs, var_args, var_kwargs, return_annotations)] ['()', '() -> int', '(*args:float)', '(*args:float) -> int', '(arg1:int)', '(arg1:int) -> int', '(arg1:int, *args:float)', '(arg1:int, *args:float) -> int', '(arg1:int=42)', '(arg1:int=42) -> int', '(arg1:int=42, *args:float)', '(arg1:int=42, *args:float) -> int'] :param Sequence[ParamTuple] args: A sequence of ``ParamTuples`` used to create ``Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD`` ``Parameters`` (see ``valid_parameters``) :param Sequence[ParamTuple] kwargs: A sequence of ``ParamTuples`` used to create ``Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY`` ``Parameters`` (see ``valid_parameters``) :param Sequence[VarParamTuple] var_args: A sequence of ``VarParamTuples`` used to create ``Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL`` ``Parameters`` (see above) :param Sequence[VarParamTuple] var_kwargs: A sequence of ``VarParamTuples`` used to create ``Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD`` ``Parameters`` (see above) :param return_annotations: A sequence of return annotations. ''' arg_combos = list(valid_parameters(Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, args)) kwarg_combos = list(valid_parameters(Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, kwargs)) var_args_vector = [[]] + [[Parameter(name, Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, annotation=ann)] for name, ann in product(*var_args)] var_kwargs_vector = [[]] + [[Parameter(name, Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD, annotation=ann)] for name, ann in product(*var_kwargs)] for params_products in product(arg_combos, var_args_vector, kwarg_combos, var_kwargs_vector): params = list(chain.from_iterable(params_products)) for return_ann in return_annotations: yield Signature(params, return_annotation=return_ann)
[docs]def all_valid_signatures() -> Generator[Signature, None, None]: '''A convenience function that will generate an example of every category of valid function signature for Python. That is all combinations of - Zero, one, and two positional parameters with and without type annotations and default values. - Zero, one, and two keyword only parameters with and without type annotations and default values. - With and without `*args`, with and without a type annotation. - With and without `**kwargs`, with and without a type annotation. - With and without a return type annotation. See the source for the call to ``valid_signatures`` ''' args = [(['arg1'], [Parameter.empty, None], [Parameter.empty, None]), (['arg2'], [Parameter.empty, None], [Parameter.empty, None])] kwargs = [(['kwarg1'], [Parameter.empty, None], [Parameter.empty, None]), (['kwarg2'], [Parameter.empty, None], [Parameter.empty, None])] var_args = (['args'], [Parameter.empty, None]) var_kwargs = (['kwargs'], [Parameter.empty, None]) return_annotations = [Signature.empty, None] return valid_signatures(args, kwargs, var_args, var_kwargs, return_annotations)
# def valid_functions(signatures: Iterable[Signature], body: Callable = lambda: None) -> Generator[Sequence[Callable], None, None]:
[docs]def valid_functions(signatures: Iterable[Signature]) -> Generator[Sequence[Callable], None, None]: '''For every signature in ``signatures`` this function will yield a sequence of callable objects representing various forms that signature could take. Given an example signature like:: (arg1:int=42, *args:str, kwarg1=False, kwarg2:bool) -> bytes The sequence yielded is equivalent to this:: # Regular function def f(arg1:int=42, *args:str, kwarg1=False, kwarg2:bool) -> bytes: pass # Bound Method class Foo: def f(arg1:int=42, *args:str, kwarg1=False, kwarg2:bool) -> bytes: pass # Static Class Method class FooStatic: @staticmethod def f(arg1:int=42, *args:str, kwarg1=False, kwarg2:bool) -> bytes: pass # Sequence yielded return f, Foo().f, FooStatic.f, FooStatic().f :param signatures: ''' self_param = Parameter('self', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) for signature in signatures: method_signature = signature.replace(parameters=[self_param] + list(signature.parameters.values())) # body_call = signature2call(signature) # test_scope = {'body': body} # exec(f'def f{signature}: return body{body_call}\n' # f'class C:\n' # f' @staticmethod\n' # f' def fs{signature}: return body{body_call}\n' # f' def f{method_signature}: return body{body_call}', test_scope) test_scope = dict() exec(f'def f{signature}: pass\n' # pylint: disable=W0122 f'class C:\n' f' @staticmethod\n' f' def fs{signature}: pass\n' f' def f{method_signature}: pass', test_scope) f = test_scope['f'] # pylint: disable=C0103 C = test_scope['C'] # pylint: disable=C0103 yield f, C.fs, C().fs, C().f
[docs]def all_valid_functions() -> Generator[Sequence[Callable], None, None]: '''A convenience function that feeds ``all_valid_signatures`` into ``valid_functions`` to produce all callable forms of all valid signatures. ''' return valid_functions(all_valid_signatures())
# def signature2call(signature: Signature) -> str: # args = [] # var_args = None # kwargs = [] # var_kwargs = None # for name, param in signature.parameters.items(): # if param.kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD): # args.append(name) # elif param.kind == Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: # var_args = name # elif param.kind == Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY: # kwargs.append(name) # elif param.kind == Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: # var_kwargs = name # # call = '' # # call += ', '.join(args) # # if var_args: # if call: call += ', ' # call += f'*{var_args}' # # if kwargs: # if call: call += ', ' # call += ', '.join([f'{x}={x}' for x in kwargs]) # # if var_kwargs: # if call: call += ', ' # call += f'*{var_kwargs}' # call = f'({call})' # # return call